December 31, 2010

2010 Poker Wrap-up

Well it was a not so great year overall. I ran bad for a bit. Played bad even longer. Managed to turn things around near year's end and all told with RB and bonuses I earned just over $9K.

Here is the year in graph form:

As you can see, I ran pretty meh a couple of times but managed to end the year ~$200 over AIEV. Total luckbox ldo. My hourly on the year with everything included? $22.90! Hell yeah ship the unskilled laborer pay!

Also lol at my "volume" under 240K hands? Pathetic! I've actually upped the amount I've been playing over the last couple months (more tables and longer sessions) so hopefully I can add to that next year (more later).

I have also recently (last ~4 weeks) started getting some coaching from ChuckTs. It's amazing to talk to Taylor about poker and realize just how poorly I currently play in a lot of spots. Honestly I'm making a ton of mistakes and still winning (ok barely winning) so I think the demise of the game may be greatly exaggerated (if the government doesn't kill it that is).

So let's get to goals for 2011:
1. Continue coaching with Taylor. I have payed for another ~12 hours so I'll continue at least that long (couldn't pass up his rate).

2. Play at least 340K hands. That's 100K more than this year but it shouldn't be too hard honestly.

3. Win more than I get from rb + bonuses. It was close this year but rb + bonuses was greater by about $120. Sad really. I'd be a rb pro but I don't even play enough to be that :( .

4. Take on a protege (for free of course). Yeah I know, why would I want to screw up someone else's game right? Well I plan to find someone, likely a CCer, who REALLY REALLY sucks and turn them into someone who just really sucks. See the difference. ;) I think that by helping someone along I can elevate my own level of thinking and thus help my own game, so it's totally selfish.

Anyway, guess that's about it for poker goals. Oh yeah guess I'll throw in one more: Update this PoS blog at least 6 times! Yeah that's right bitches bimonthly updates in your face!

So that's all. See you in a month or so with another update.

Happy New Year!

December 3, 2010

O hai there

Well it's been so long since I updated this thing that I don't even remember what we were talking about. Oh well I got new shit going on so let's just start over.

Still getting the biggest thrill being a Dad. The kid is the awesome. Seriously when people talk about having kids being the greatest thing I know all you people without them are like sure kids are fucking brats. And they are. Especially other people's kids. Your own kid though is the greatest person in the world.

Here is a recent pic of the boy.


Been playing 100nl for a bit now. Seem to be running well and playing OK. Recently started getting some coaching and after only 1 session I'd say we've identified a pretty significant leak. I'm working on plugging it now. It's kind of hard because well it involves betting too often and I LOVEEEEE betting. Anyway I'll get there.

I guess I'll throw a recent hand up here too just to make this like the most cliche poker blog ever.

Figure the flop raiser has to have folded 44 there because if he had any sort of draw he'd certainly have to call since he only needs like 15% equity to BE.

Anyway I'm out. I'll lie now and say that I'll be back to write again soon but realistically I'll see you guys next year around June! :)