July 22, 2008

Good Run Continues And I Miss A River Bet

Good fortune continued to smile down upon me yesterday as I ran at 9.25 BB/100 over 1045 hands for a total profit of $97. Along the way I found my new best friend. My new best friend gave me $125 in just 81 total hands. My new best friend was 93/30/3.5 over that time and WTSD 25% of the time (often with WAY less than top pair). Here is an example (note my new best friend shall remain anonymous for my own benefit):

I know he could have had me beat here but his calling range is literally middle pair and up. Note my stack at the start of this hand. Almost all of it had come from my good buddy. I hope he wasn't just drunk last night.

Now on to my big mistake and in this hand there are actually a couple:

The first mistake in this hand is made by our villain, not 3betting JJ out of position is just not smart. When our villain donks and then calls on a dry flop, I should be worried about an over pair. Then when the Ace hits the turn we get bluffy again and try to represent. After he called my turn bet I actually checked the fold to any bet box (really dumb) thinking there was no way I would call a bet if he decided to throw chips in on the river. I then went on to the next table and didn't even realize I'd made 2nd nuts on the river until I reviewed my session! I really wish I had seen it during the hand so I could have bet the river, not because I think he would have called but because I wouldn't have had to show my cards and give away free info. Live and learn.

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