July 11, 2008

A Tale of Two Sessions

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Now flip it. Two sessions since last update. 1st session was -$37 over 466 hands (-16BB/100). Just over 1 hour later I started session number 2. Ended after 560 hands up $126 (45BB/100)! I didn't play any differently in either session (neither was bad) but in the 2nd group I couldn't miss. Sets, flushes, Aces, Kings, Set over Set, you name it I had it. It's very easy to win $$ when the deck is running you over like that.

Honestly I had trouble finding a truly bad play for either of these sessions, but I decided on this one:

I just didn't put him on a King from the way he bet (or rather didn't bet) the hand. I thought that if I didn't bet the river I was losing value but I probably should have just checked behind and showed the hand down. Oh well, I can live with these errors.

Oh and yeah, I did just drop some Dickens puns. Pretty sad huh?

1 comment:

Scraggles said...

I would have done the same as you. He slow played that one to death. I'm amazed he won it. Better luck next hand!